Saturday, July 29, 2006

Medusa V - Second Chance

The marines of the mighty Black Legion walked softly in the perimeter of the stone used for the ritualistic offerings. One squad stood by the class-c psyker seemingly guarding him with great vigilance. In fact, they stood swapping stories of their best Astartes-kill, the scared psyker would not dare to try and run anyways. The plan was to seemingly guard the psyker vigialantly, but let the Guardian Angels grab him as chaos sorcerors had impressed upon his mind the false locations of an underground complex. The bait for a trap the altruistic Guardian Angels doubtfully could resist. However, as the sentries walked in the pineforests, they all knew the warnings that the Astartes would probarly not have the intelligence for this operation. Azalmemnon, the Sorceror, said that he'd sensed the Guardian Angels had weak ties to the warp and Captain Anaxagoras confirmed that they were probarly following the edicts of harboring no psykers!

On the other side of the forest, the scouts of the Guardian Angels moved swiftly and closed in on the sentries. In a swift attack they felled two black legionares, but one of them killed wounded a brother-initiate with his chainsword and retreated. Warpdamned! Now their cover was blown!

The lone sentry kept taking pot-shots at them, and he felled the seargent with a precise shot with his bolt-pistol. The Scouts lay low, while the commotion fell down, rather quickly, brother-initiate Melvin thought. But as soon as they started moving a boltpistol fired with deadly accuracy and another scout lay sprawled on the forest-floor, his left leg compleatly missing!

The scouts withdrew from sighting distace and it seemed the aware sentry finally got to convince the others of the approaching scouts and slowly, but surely the security was tightened as the different sentries converged on the object.

The scouts felt they had no choice. Their honour demanded they try something and the sooner the better, they mused, as they did not want even more chaosmarines on the object! With a quick prayer to the Emperor, they charged.

Scouts are no match for full-flegded battle brother, though, especially not veterans of a thousand wars - so the charge was stopped and as more legionares closed in the scouts' fate was soon failed. As the black legionares took great revelry in slaughtering and desecrating the astartes-remains, and so, luckily for the plan, the psyker ran away...

The Guardian Angels combat patrol moved quickly into the area where the remains of the slaughtered scouts were. Luitenant Keeler shivered at the thought of what the young initiates had endured. Luckily all they had endured was merciless slaughter and dismemberment, not all chaos legion were as disciplined...

... soon he noticed that shocked prisoner and he got him on the track back to the other patrols, as it would seem his patrol would go up against some black legionares and probarly some khorne berzerkers. This would not be easy, he mused as he ordered his men to fire and the attack bikes spurted forward and their heavybolters thundered!

Blitzingly fast the berzerkers stormed out of the forest and intercepted the attack bikes, slaugthering them and moved in between the trees, taking refuge from the boltershells. Meanwhile the legionares stormed up the mountainside, mostly gaining cover from the devastators up on the ridge. When they arrived, they were no match in the close-combat that ensued.

Well up over the ridge, the black legionares had the advantage of higher ground and so luitenant Keeler had to advance with the scouts through a hail of boltershells. They were met on the ridge by the legionares, the Aspiring chaos-champion brandishing a powerblade and an intense fight was brought on, Luitenant Keeler valiantly defending the scouts. After all, he was to blame for engaging them, surely they would have struggled to reach the objective! All his skill could not stop two scouts from beeing hurt and hurled to their deaths, though.

The delta-squad bravely, but foolishly charged the berzerkers that had the advantage of striking from within the cover. After a few minutes they stormed out of the forest and headed for the mountainside.

While Luitenant Keeler bravely held off the black legionares, the berzerkers quickly stormed for the scouts and while the luitenant bravely hold on, the berzerkers tore the scouts to shreds while the champions powerfist evaporated the last two.

Just then, Luitenant Keeler threw himself out the mountainside. Beaten and battered his form was picked up by a landspeeder squadron.

Further in the woods the psyker was picked up by a scout patrol.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Medusa V - First Blood

Steel-cased hydralics grinded as the four-legged behemot valsed through a ruined block a few miles off the Deimos Space Port on the ravaged Medusa V. Around it the red-armoured warriors of Khorne advanced. A predator cranked it's turret as it sought up a defensive position behind a small residential block on the main street of this destroyed little town, knowing that a Space Marine predator advanced from the other side of the town. To the south two rhinoes with close-quarter masters loaded up their cargo and started to advance under a hail of smoke. At the same time, radio-connection with the Noise Marines in the forest was established and the one's securing the prisoners in the meat-lockers and wine cellars emerged. As the marines from the Guardian Angels Chapter advanced on the main street blocks, the legionares, advanced and sought up defensive positions among the rubble, fuel by their debauchery in the prisoner holding area. The marines converged on the hapless squad, but their position ensured that they held were safe from the guns.
To the north the berzerkers steadily advanced as the Defiler started to shell the southern part of the city ineffectively, in the area of some observed scouts. As the berzerkers advanced and started to run at rage-induced speeds the marines started to give ground and the landspeeder fired with all guns at the advancing red, while the other speeder met a heavy bolter salvo from the Predator and crashed a few blocks in the wastland further north.

As the legionares in the precarious position in the forward ruins prepared to get attacked, their champion started to spasm and convulse and soon screamed in delight of the sensations burning through his every fiber. Suddenly a greater daemon of Slaneesh stood towering in front of the Space Marine Captain and his retinue. It quickly charged the command squad while blasting a spray of golden energy that left three marines sprawled on the pavement. The Space marines met the charge and heroically gained the upper hand in the struggle against the daemon.

At the same time as the greater daemon instigated an attriotional combat against the command squads the berzerkers charged forward, while the mounted squads deployed protected by their rhinoes blocking the street. As the rhino exploded due to a crack missile from the scouts the squad it belonged to used the wreck to cover their assault, while the other squad held back. And the scouts and tacticals was soon wittled down, with only a couple of legionares rendered knocked out of the battle.

While they finished off the opposition, the bloodletters that had manifested slaughtered the tactical squad that had held the northern flank, before they started taking the predator apart, while it frantically kept firing at the bloodletters, but that was more difficult than it sounds. The Greater Daemon of Slaneesh gained the upper hand amonst the rubble as the marines failed to hurt it, as even strong, powerful blows was rendered ineffective by it's inhuman fortitude! It slowly tore the marine command squad apart.

As this happened the noise marines battled a squad of attack bikes and they were quickly finished once the Berzerkers entered the fray. A few harsh words and some hateful glares was all that ensued as the berzerkers dogded a second shot from the Vindicator and started a frothing charge towards it...

The Greater Slaneesh Daemon finished off the commander, who lay with a grivious wound amongst the rubble. Clearly Slaneesh favoured the Black Legion's 18th company now, as their small warband received a gift of a handful daemonettes. That quickly dispathed the weakened tactical squad that had come in support of the command squad.

The daemonettes proceeded to use their daemonic talons to rend apart a rhino, while the letters, together with some berzerkers literary tore apart the marine predator.

The berzerkers that charged the Vindicator bare reached it before the Slaneesh Keeper destroyed it with it's mountrous strength and vigor. The defiler shot the remaining landspeeder down and while the Space Marine Command Rhino drove off in a hurry after having loaded up the wounded.

Then the Black Legionares intercepted the land train that the Guardian Angels seemingly had tried to protect. On board they found many potential offerings, but the berzerker's bloodlust was not yet stilled.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

the Keeper of Secrets

For those that recognized the daemon at the end of the Ragnarokk 666 report, here it is; finally painted. After the pictures were taken I've painted the tounge red gore and have applied gloss varnish, that helps my deamon to shine immaterial-like. I will also paint the leather straps on the "face".

I look forward to having it materalize in battle!