Sunday, June 11, 2006

Congratulations and Celebrations

Well, first off was two "battle reports" from two BBN-Cons. Now I will congratulate myself with finally getting a 40k blog/site. As our BBN-forum is currently down, we needed some place to put our all to seldom battle reports and thus I made the choice to start here at

Here I will present my projects concerning 40k and hopefull make more than two annual battle reports. First up, a picture of the newest genestealers. (Forgive the quality.)
I'm not really an aesthetic, as you can see on my models, but I enjoy the game and I allways field painted models, though they're only "table-top quality".

These daemonettes was recently put together. Those below was part of a purchase and I recently tried them out in a game and got inspired to put together a whole twelve lass strong unit. I tried to keep them in tune with the others, how well I did is up to others to decide.

Painting on a black undercoat is difficult, but as the others were painted on one, I felt that I should do the same. I tried to make theme somewhat similar, and still have the oppourtunity to field them in two units.

Again, I have to apologize for the pictures, but hopefully this blog will help me get better. I really look forward to fielding daemons in my games. I also have Plaguebearers and some Bloodletters that I'm real happy with the paintjob.

As I don't get to play much, I've only gotten to test the Plaguebearers and now recently the six daemonettes. I look forward to using them as they are one thing that truly sets Chaos apart from the ubiqiutous Space Marines.

Below is a picture of a small Black Legion warband. It's just what I decided to set up on my balcony, to try and take a few pictures. I play Black Legion because I think they're regal, luciferian and tragic in their dedication to destroy his Imperium.


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