Monday, June 12, 2006

Ragnarokk 666 - Day of the Tentackle

Anaxagoram Lukrets stood tall in the ruined church. He wasn't really one of Abbaddon's Lords, but he had estinguished himself from the time we painted our armour black and thus he'd gotten to oversee the Ritual of Reckoning here at Ragnarokk 666. Well, I guess it's really a series of rituals, otherwise we'd get a stronger force, no? As the air started to crackle and the lights fluttered, he commanded us to stand in circles, probarly to confuse any attackers. We knew the false emperor's lapdogs were arriving, the eight-pointed star willing; to late to make a difference, but a chapter called the 'Guardian Angels' should be in our vicinity, according to Anaxagoras. As he mentioned the chaptername we could hear his daemonic muscles tvinge beneath his powerarmour.

As the Ritual unfolded, we kept our watch and tried to stay focused on defending the site, but the air was filled with daemonic energy and mystical, enchanting voices trailed the winds that intensifyed around us. Champion Caramos lead the prayers with great fervor and didn't even take notice when the roars of a tracked vehicle's engine broke through the cacophony of the angelic choir that partly existed in our minds. Brother Tegemnon pointed out the scouts coming forwards thorough the ruins of an old block and we felled a good part of the nearest with our missile launchers. The other squad suffered some suppressive fire, before they opened up with their own, inluding the storms from a heavy bolter. They must have watched us for a while, because they wasted no time identifying and attacking the group chanting.

Meanwhile, the tank had taken refuge behind some tall ruins. Anaxagoras commanded us to flank to get clear shots for the 'command rhino', as he called it. At the same time a drop-pod landed behind us, and a squad of marines brandishing chainswords and bolt pistols emerged. Before they got organized enough for an assault they were fired upon by Ahkilas' squaud and beset upon by Anaxagoras himself, who also ordered us 'havocs' into the fray. Anaxagoras lept in with his powersword blazing and hacked at the outmatched emperor's hound. We managed to hold the squad in position, though, as they had managed to leave our Lord out on a limb, cleaverly retreating before they to were felled by his mighty strikes.

A lone scout used his missile launcher to fire against those chanting, clearly they were briefed on what was important for their pitiful Imperium. His hand with the launcher was not the best, however, as the missiles fired twice fell short. Then the sound of a broken sound wall and an explosion that left a great crater not 100 yards from our position. They were employing melta-torpedos from a battle barge, locked in on the building of the Ritual itself! Clearly this spelt trouble! Akhilas' squad moved back towards the scouts in the ruin, while suffering fire directed at the ruined monastary. Once more, a torpedo from above smashed into and exploded even closer than the first, this time between the scouts and the ruined monastary.

The survivor of the 'veteran squad', brandishing his own powersword, back against the drop-pod, fought valiantly, I'll give the filthy dog that. He had felled three brothers when Anaxagoras got in reach of him, a few moments later he lay dying beneath the drop pod, scorching ravines in his armour. As we were commanded to take up position to fire at the Command Rhino, I saw Anaxagoras bend over the body of the felled seargent.

Clearly Slaneesh, the Keeper of Secrets, was pleased with our endeavors: A coven of Daemonettes arrived from the icon of Akhilas and soon set their eyes out for the young scouts in the ruins. As they appeared the lone scout fired his missile launcher with a hit that seemed like it would hit it's target, but a maelstrom of daemonic energy swept the missile away. Champion Akhilas managed to implore the daemonettes to set their eyes for the lone scout, as he seemed the most capable of disrupting the Ritual. The other scouts started fireing on the daemonettes, clearly sceptical of entering into a close-quarters fight with the talons and blades of the slaneeshi vixens.

Then disaster struck! I only felt someone slam into me, then the warp energies were silenced, before a mettallic rupture sent my power armour's systems on overload. As I got back on my feet I saw Anaxagoras lay with his power armour melted besides brother Oddyevs. Brother Geremnos seemed to have escaped the melta-torpedo and had already aimed his laucher for the Command Rhino. I did the same and noticed Anaxagoras point a charred finger towards the vehicle.

At the same time we glanced the Rhino, the daemonettes entered the building of the lone scout. His death screams seemed to fuel the energies in the air and we rather 'felt' than heared his screams. A lone figure of authority set out for the building of the daemonettes, his armour shining bright as of the knights of mythical history. The remaining scout squad moved forward and started fireing at Akhilas' squad, but the supremacy of powerarmoured troopers soon proved itselft and while the commanding marine staggered out from the ruins, most probarly after victoriously sending the daemonettes back to the warp, the scouts were charged by Akhilas' squad and quickly succombed to the overwhelming close-combat power of our legionares. As the commander closed against the ruined monastary, he took refuge in a crater the meltabombs had created. His battered form showed great gashes in his armour and obviously he'd lost a lot of blood in the battle against the daemonettes. He was quickly dispatched in a torrent of fire, his body lying still in the swirling enegies that seemed to only get stronger as the Ritual neared it's conclusion...

In a joint effort we and the squad of Akhilas manouvered the Command Rhino into a deadlock, and in a fit of desperation it tried to run over Akhilas' squad, but his powerfist made short process of it. Simultaniously, a melta-torpedo hit just outside the monastary were the Ritual neared it's conclusion. As I looked up from my missile laucher's sights, I spotted Lord Anaxagoras stumbling over to the body of the Guardian Angels' Commander. As he bent down, as if to listen to the last words or administer the last oil, like the chaplains of the loyalists, the earth started to shake violently. Some pillars in the monastary crumpled and more of the ruined city fell apart by the enormous warp-energies that stormed around us and protected us from further bombardment. I saw Anaxagoras administer the "mercy blow" to the commander and then he staggered over to me, his tattered armour hung in laces upon him. He got me to remove my helmet and the tornado of deamonic screams and warped winds assaulted my bare senses, while the commander used the microphone in my helmet to contact the HQ. "My Lord," he said. "The Ritual is complete."

It felt like aeons before we got the situation report.

Then we heard the voice of our Warlord... and got to know Ragnarokk's Fate.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Congratulations and Celebrations

Well, first off was two "battle reports" from two BBN-Cons. Now I will congratulate myself with finally getting a 40k blog/site. As our BBN-forum is currently down, we needed some place to put our all to seldom battle reports and thus I made the choice to start here at

Here I will present my projects concerning 40k and hopefull make more than two annual battle reports. First up, a picture of the newest genestealers. (Forgive the quality.)
I'm not really an aesthetic, as you can see on my models, but I enjoy the game and I allways field painted models, though they're only "table-top quality".

These daemonettes was recently put together. Those below was part of a purchase and I recently tried them out in a game and got inspired to put together a whole twelve lass strong unit. I tried to keep them in tune with the others, how well I did is up to others to decide.

Painting on a black undercoat is difficult, but as the others were painted on one, I felt that I should do the same. I tried to make theme somewhat similar, and still have the oppourtunity to field them in two units.

Again, I have to apologize for the pictures, but hopefully this blog will help me get better. I really look forward to fielding daemons in my games. I also have Plaguebearers and some Bloodletters that I'm real happy with the paintjob.

As I don't get to play much, I've only gotten to test the Plaguebearers and now recently the six daemonettes. I look forward to using them as they are one thing that truly sets Chaos apart from the ubiqiutous Space Marines.

Below is a picture of a small Black Legion warband. It's just what I decided to set up on my balcony, to try and take a few pictures. I play Black Legion because I think they're regal, luciferian and tragic in their dedication to destroy his Imperium.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Prostata Tèrtius - Alone in the Dark

Part I

The robed figures all stood in silence. Underneath their bonewhite robes glistened dark green armor, obviosly powered by mechanics. "So the drone arrived with pictures of marines from the Black Legion battling the Orks we've suspected knowing something about the Fallen? Those that we attacked on Prostata Prime?" brother Phylium, champion of the 5th Company Command squad, finally broke the silence. "And they were battling for the honour of defacing the ancient statue of the Emperor?"

Another while passed in silence. It became obvious they were waiting for something. "Let's see the complete battle," proposed the newly initiated Brother Càran, eager to see the infamous 'Black Legion' perform against the dreaded orks. "I'll go and get my squad." As all remember their hard battle against the orks, not more than two terran weeks ago, all awaited the drone initilizing to play the recorded battle on the walls of the battlestation:

The statue of the Emperor stood tall inside the ruins of an old chapel. It was rumoured that the statue was pre-heresy, made in the image of the Emperor on his visit to the system during the Great Crusade. Now it looked like a symbol of faith in a protector that had failed. The chapel ruins stood on the outskirts of a small settlement. One could already see the ravaging orks anmassing to assault the settlement, intended of drawing out the marines to fight by defacing the statue of the Emperor. The orks had succeded in their endeavour! Marines was already on the target, but it was not the Emperor's Finest that had responded to the orks sacrilege! Foul postures, oozing sores and quite an unhealthy odour surrounded the sickly marines hiding behind the chap- - - -

"What in the coldest parts of space happened?" said brother Filius. Brother Elras, who had brought the tapes, explained: "The drone collapsed. Malefunction due to rapid corrosion. Also, two of the servitors that reclaimed it now lies in the infirmary. I'll just reroute the images... There!" The film continued.

The orks started fireing their guns way before they were in effective range. The sounds of the orkish vehicles' motors roared. The green horde and their rampaging dreadnoughts ran forward, while the bikes and vehicles waited on each flank. Allthough eager to rush forward, the bike-riding orks showed discipline their race was not known for.

"Why aren't the bikers advancing?" more than one brother wondered in silence. "It would seem that the orks employ tactics," brother Sgt Calvus answered them all. "It's not unheard of for orks to take the proper course in a skirmish. There are more examples of this 'cunning' from the Salamander's footage from Armageddon." The more inexperienced brothers saw the orks in a different light, as the film continued.

The plaguemarines on the objective opened fire on the approaching green horde and many orks fell, but then they where over the bolterwielding marines, that none-the-less defended themselves with great skill and effort. As the rampaging orky-dreadnoughts came crashing in the plaguemarines seemed in dire straits, but the powerfist wielding mutant destroyed the hulking brute the Dark Angels recognized as Orksa-Stompa, then the smaller dreadnought was distpatched in a fiery explosion that send nearly half the filthy damons designated as 'plaguebearers' back to the warp.

Meanwhile, the lightning fast truck containing the ork warboss and retinue had flanked the chaosmarines and wielded their dangerous powerclaws in proximity to the Predator-class tank and the havocs carrying the heavy bolters. Clever manouvering on the chaosmarine part left the mega-armoured orks in a lone position and they embarked on their trukk and tried to redeploy closer to the objective and the hand-to-hand combat. As their trukk promptly was destroyed by the heavybolter-toting havocs and the predator and chaosmarines unloaded their firepower on the ork warboss' retinue the rest of the plaguebearers moved in, but was promptly dispatched by the ork powerclaws and the lone plaguebearer that was left dissapeared in a puff of postulesmelling smoke. The plaguebearers had bought time, though, and the firepower unleashed left the ork warboss quite alone. Then the predator's mighty lascannon made a pair of smoldering boots out of the warboss.

"There! Notice how the traitormarines just kept their distance and saturated the warboss and it's retinue with fire. That's the way to deal with the orks!" brother Sgt Calvus commented. The rest just followed the film, nodding knowingly to the age old axiom: "Fight Green with steam!"

Even though the orks pressed on towards the stalwart statue of the Emperor, who just endured, the Black Legion Chaosmarines sat too tight on the objective and could easily stave off the opposition. The film ended with the orks making a retreat, while the Black Legionaires took studied the statue...

As the pictures faded out the huddled marines commenced their waiting. "What was it the chaosmarines was doing to the statue?" one young tactical marine questioned. Before anyone could answer the signal to prepare for battle sounded through the battle monastary. This was what they had been waiting for.

Prostata Prime - no concern of ours

**Battle report currently unavailable due to investigation**
- The Holy Inquisition